Some in’s and out’s of the SAP Global Template Roll-Out

An SAP global template rollout allows companies that have multi-site SAP installations to manage their business processes better. It contains standardized business processes plus process-specific developments, configuration, and test data. It, therefore, drives the foundation for the building of your global SAP solution. As organizations need to increase their presence internationally, a global template rollout allows for a standardized solution for all business entities. The organization can rely on consistent business processes in any given region.

This short blog highlights some high-level steps to consider when implementing an SAP global template rollout.

Scoping and documenting key processes is an essential step with any SAP implementation project. This step would help differentiate which processes should be standard for all global regions vs. tailored to local needs. The topics covered would include geographic areas, business units, business processes and in-scope modules.

The scoping process includes identifying your requirements and analyzing the impact those requirements will have on your organization. For example, when you plan to release a certain global standard, each regional business unit may need to create a specific SAP transaction to meet that global standard requirement. The regions might have to either simplify or even add more processes to follow the new global standard. If a transaction needs to be modified locally, careful planning is a must to make sure that it will not affect the global standard. 

Templatizing is another critical process that is to be implemented across all regions. First, identify where the processes are standard across regions and wherever process deviations are found, identify, and document the reasons for it. If it is not due to a legal requirement, check to see if the processes can be streamlined. If there are legal or other necessary reasons for certain regions to have a unique process, document it as a localization. Generally speaking, such localization should only constitute about 20% of the complete solution, as most processes should be consistent across regions. 

The final deliverable for the scoping and templatizing process would define the content of the global template and may include the following –

  • Functional specifications and configuration details
  • Blueprint for business processes
  • System technical requirements
  • Data integration layer
  • Roles & authorizations
  • Testing scripts
  • End-user training 

Testing is often a challenge in environments with significant customizations. To ensure that the system is built on the global template design, testing is done iteratively as go-live errors are often due to lack of testing of the affected transactions. Using real data is one of the critical attributes of successfully testing of your SAP rollout. Therefore, it is vital to design and conduct the most relevant test scenarios and the follow them carefully, from unit and integration testing to system performance testing.  

It is essential to determine the proper deployment approach when implementing a global rollout. Which option you choose depends on several factors, such as technical considerations and resource availability. You can either go with the “Big Bang” approach with parallel go-lives at multiple sites or a rollout by region or a combination of the two.

For organizations to expand internationally, they need to have a global standard of operations to ensure that every business unit meets local and international regulatory compliance. An SAP global template contains the standard functions and processes that all business units across all regions will use. Therefore, a global template is required to ensure that all business units meet an organization’s international standards as it defines what should be standardized globally and what will be customized on a local level.

inoBrix is a boutique SAP services provider. We deliver assessments, small implementation projects and managed services. We invite you to reach out to us to help you on your S/4 transformation journey.

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