Community Outreach

At inoBrix, our CSR program is not just an afterthought – it is built into the fabric of our company. We believe in a world where businesses are interlinked with the communities that surround and support them. After all, communities assist businesses in a myriad number of ways. 

  • Tax breaks – communities lobby for tax breaks for businesses to convince them to set up shop in their neighborhoods.
  • Employees – communities provide the educational institutions to provide skilled employees to businesses.
  • Customers – communities provide customers for businesses by making their neighborhoods attractive places to live.
  • Professional services – all businesses need other businesses to perform their primary role as our lives are inherently interconnected. It is the surrounding community that makes that possible.
  • Utilities – all businesses need an infrastructure of reliable utilities to function. As expected, that infrastructure is provided by the surrounding communities as well as the available natural resources.

These are just a few examples of how the surrounding community is the lifeblood for any business that keeps on giving it oxygen without missing a beat. It should therefore be a no-brainer for businesses to keep their communities front and center in their outreach. When we give back to our communities, they thrive – and so do we. 

Community outreach at inoBrix covers eight primary areas of service to serve a cross-section of society best and cater to their various needs. Put together, all these needs, when addressed collectively, strengthen our neighborhoods, our communities, and our businesses combined.

  1. Feed the Hungry

1 in 10 households in the US experience some food insecurity – that translates to about 15 million children who face hunger every day. Feeding the children is simply the right thing to do and a worthwhile endeavor. We would partner with you to identify worthy non-profits in your communities to assist with food donations.

  • Educate the Children

1 in 4 children in the US grows up without learning to read properly due to inadequate access to books both at school and at home. Helping our children read by providing age-appropriate books translates to a richer life and a more prosperous future. We would partner with you to identify worthy non-profits that focus on providing books to underserved communities.

  • Shelter the Homeless

1 in 600 people in the US is homeless – that is over ½ million people in an unsheltered situation on any given night. They are associated with every region of the country, gender, and racial group. Providing our citizens with a safe night’s sleep is a responsibility that falls on all of us. We would partner with you to identify registered charities doing the excellent work of sheltering the homeless.

  • Comfort the Sick

1 in 285 children in the US will be diagnosed with cancer before the age of 15. Because of significant treatment advances in recent decades, 84% of such children now survive five years or more. While this is good progress, much work remains to improve their quality of life further. We would partner with you to identify worthy recipients that are furthering the cause of prevention and treatment of childhood cancer.

  • Clean the Environment

80% of the world’s forest cover is already depleted, and we are continuing to lose them at an additional 200 square miles per day. Plus, we have plastic islands floating in the oceans larger than the size of Europe. The issues are enormous, but if we all do our part, then every little bit helps. We would partner with you to identify an environmental initiative to rally behind to make a positive difference on our planet.

  • Serve the Elderly

Taking care of the elderly amongst us is the right thing to do. They have spent their life serving society, and it falls upon the rest of us to serve them when they become dependent again. We will partner with you to identify nursing or elder homes in your community and do our part to help them with their needs.

  • Assist in Disasters

Natural disasters have a way of making us all vulnerable and susceptible to needing help from strangers. At times of tornadoes, floods, fires, or any other natural calamity, communities rally together to lift each other. We would partner with you to identify qualified non-profits who prepare for and provide help during such disasters and lend a hand.

  • Aid the Veterans

Veterans stand guard and put their life on the line so we can sleep easy at night. We owe an enormous debt of gratitude to our men and women in uniform for sacrificing so much to provide us with security and keep us safe from harm. We would partner with you to do our little part in improving the lives of veterans and their families.

The need to cater to our communities is more significant than ever, given the grave situation they find themselves in. And businesses are in a unique position and privilege to be able to lend a hand. A rising tide lifts all boats, and close collaboration between businesses and communities is the need of the hour.

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